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We’ve all been there right?

Standing in the school canteen queue, waiting to be served up some nutritious cuisine and to fuel up and energise for the day only to be presented with some disgusting slop that wouldn’t be worth giving to the dogs.

We may groan and show our disgust, but no one thinks about the poor souls who have to serve up this muck day in, day out.

No one spares a thought for the lunch ladies.

And this is where this fantastic short feature places us. In the heart of the school kitchen, where two lunch ladies, Seretta (Donna Pieroni) and LouAnne (Mary Manofsky) bust a gut to serve the hungry horde with a crap amount of decent food and very little recognition to go along with it.

Thank God for Johnny Depp, the shining light for these ladies’ way out of their dire world with the chance to become his personal chefs on the order.

But with the stakes so high and the pressure at breaking point, it won’t take long for something or someone to snap.

And when it does it comes in a bloody glorious fashion as the Lunch Ladies resort to drastic measures to cover up murder and keep their eye on the prize the only way they know how… in the kitchen.

With a nod to Sweeney Todd, it’s time to churn up their victims and deliver the best lunch order of their careers to pull them through.

Gloriously written by Clarissa Jacobson, who carves up a a delicious blend of macabre and humour, combined with director J.M. Logan’s eye for detail and Lunch Ladies stands tall amongst its counterparts as a result.

Our only regret is that there wasn’t a larger portion on offer as the characters and story could well amount to much more of time were given for them to breathe on screen.

Thankfully the producers are working on getting a long feature ready, so keep your eyes peeled for more from these great filmmakers down the track.

– Paul Farrell